My name is Mia Cullivan and I am a filmmaker based in Portland, OR. 

Growing up in Portland, Oregon alongside the dramatic natural scenery and temperamental skies, I was drawn to storytelling at a young age. In particular, I loved to draw and write books and movie scripts, and soon began making short films. Filmmaking quickly became a passion and a way of both processing the world and finding my place in it.

These days I work as a visual storyteller, using film as a medium to inspire others and share special moments. My goal is always to help people to feel part of something bigger than themselves. Recent personal projects include documentaries, short films, and travel videos. I also work with local businesses to create promotional videos, sports teams, and individuals to create memorabilia movies.

When not spinning stories into film, I love surfing, writing, reading fiction, and drawing. I’d be honored to hear more about your vision for a film and discuss making it a reality! Please get in touch to set up a virtual meeting to discuss your project.

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Mia Cullivan
Mia Cullivan Films

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